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7/29/2018 11:09:46 PM 人评论

Music and silence. Creativity and impotence. Contemplation and buffoonery. He considers himself a genius but the publishers refuse to print his works. He loves women but they dont always understand him. Constantly without money and out of touch with …



Music and silence. Creativity and impotence. Contemplation and buffoonery. He considers himself a genius but the publishers refuse to print his works. He loves women but they don't always understand him. Constantly without money and out of touch with reality. The elegant fop Daniil Yuvachov names himself Kharms- a name just as effective as his appearance. An habitué of unending literary get-togethers and a lover of scandal. Living in society he is completely separate from it. Kharms throws down a gauntlet to his time, audaciously hurling himself into the vortex of reality, just as vague and arbitrary, with the same contradictions, as represented by his spirit. In the atmosphere of his ramshackle flat and in the editorial office of the children's magazines «Chizh» and «Yozh», the streets of Leningrad, the embankments and rooftops, there unfolds an amazing battle between the man and himself, with his defects, his passions and with the whole world in which he lives as though he were ...


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