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8/11/2018 5:10:09 PM 人评论

Directed by award winning filmmaker, Zhang Yimou, ninety percent of the film consists of footage shot over six months by 2,000 children using 180 camcorders distributed among 72 schools in Cangxi country in Sichuan Province. The documentary was made a…



Directed by award winning filmmaker, Zhang Yimou, ninety percent of the film consists of footage shot over six months by 2,000 children using 180 camcorders distributed among 72 schools in Cangxi country in Sichuan Province. The documentary was made as part of Porsche China's fifth anniversary of Empowering the Future Programme and part of its collaboration with UNICEF and the Ministry of Education to improve the quality of education for children in the remotest parts of the country through Mobile Education Training and Resource Units (METRU).


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