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11/6/2022 12:33:54 PM 人评论

Hangzhou is a land of antiquity, beauty and wonders.Hangzhou is a land of antiquity. Archeological discovery shows that the trace of human activities in Hangzhou dates back to Paleolithic era. The fossil of a tooth discovered in Jiande dates back




  Hangzhou is a land of antiquity, beauty and wonders.Hangzhou is a land of antiquity. Archeological discovery shows that the trace of human activities in Hangzhou dates back to Paleolithic era. The fossil of a tooth discovered in Jiande dates back to about 100,000 years, the world's most ancient canoe of 8,000 years ago was discovered at Kuahuqiao. The ancient city of Liangzhu dates back to around 5,000 years ago and its dazzling jade culture all prove irrefutably that while other people still ate raw flesh and drank blood, the people in the area of Hangzhou were quite forward-looking. Their mode of production and spirit of life showed the evidence of childhood innocence and vitality. These prehistoric civilizations later merged with Chinese civilization as an organic whole. Hangzhou became one of the important sources of the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization.
  Hangzhou is beautiful. The charming West Lake is like a mirror wedged in the west of the downtown. Situated in the south of the city, Qiantang River with an extensive water face rushes eastward onto Hangzhou Bay. The Grand Canal cuts through the downtown from the north and merges itself with the sea through the river. Hangzhou is connected with rivers and lakes. Within the city, rows upon rows of mountains shoot up, with brooks and streams winding down to the lakes below.


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